Ixora Cakes

Role: WordPress Developer
Project: Website Redesign

Description: Tasked with modernizing an outdated WordPress website, my primary responsibility was to redesign the website by streamlining the existing design, which was largely effective but bogged down by excessive plugins and lack of updates. I focused on cloning the functional aspects of the original design while implementing a more secure and SEO-friendly structure. This redesign significantly reduced the number of plugins used, incorporated a cleaner and more modern template, and ensured overall enhanced performance and security.

Other roles on this project:

    • Theme Installation and Customization: I chose and installed suitable WordPress themes to fulfill the design and functional requirements of this project. I customized the theme by adjusting CSS, HTML, and PHP files to fine-tune both the visual appeal and functionalities to meet the project needs.
    • Plugin Integration and Management: I managed a broad selection of WordPress plugins to expand the website’s features, including SEO tools, security enhancements. I ensured that these plugins were consistently updated and maintained to improve site functionality and security.
    • I customized Google Form to manage customers order.

Check out my WordPress related services.