


As WordPress Developer, I led the development of Delicioso’s new website. Using WordPress as the foundation, I engineered a site that reflects Delicioso’s brand aesthetic and operational needs.


  • Website Development: Spearheaded the entire development process of the Delicioso website on the WordPress platform. Customized themes and plugins to meet specific functional requirements and enhance user experience.
  • SEO Strategy: Developed and implemented a comprehensive SEO strategy aimed at increasing organic search visibility and driving traffic. This included keyword research, on-page optimization (meta tags, headers, content optimization), and technical SEO enhancements (site speed optimization, mobile optimization, XML sitemaps).
  • Content Management: Oversaw the integration of blog features that allowed for regular posting of articles and recipes, which further boosted SEO efforts.
  • Performance Monitoring: Utilized tools such as Google Analytics and Google Search Console to monitor the website’s performance. Analyzed traffic data, bounce rates, and conversion metrics to refine SEO strategies and improve the website’s overall performance.
  • Training and Support: Provided training to the Delicioso staff on managing the WordPress interface and making minor updates, ensuring they could handle day-to-day website management independently.


  • Enhanced Online Presence: Successfully enhanced Delicioso’s online presence, evidenced by a significant increase in website traffic and improved rankings for key search terms.
  • User Experience Optimization: Optimized the website’s user interface and experience, resulting in increased customer engagement and longer visit durations.
  • Increased Conversion Rates: Through targeted SEO practices and improved website functionality, significantly boosted the conversion rates for online orders and reservations.

Skills Developed:

  • Advanced WordPress Development: Deepened expertise in customizing WordPress environments to suit specific business needs, focusing on scalability and user experience.
  • Strategic SEO Implementation: Enhanced ability to devise and execute SEO strategies that align with business objectives and dynamically adjust to search engine algorithms.
  • Project Leadership: Refined project management and leadership skills, with an emphasis on cross-functional collaboration and efficient resource management.


The project not only transformed Delicioso’s digital footprint but also played a crucial role in expanding their market reach and customer base. My role as WordPress Developer enabled me to significantly sharpen my technical skills in WordPress development and SEO.

Client: Delicioso Website: Delicioso Bistro & Restaurant